Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who Is Murdering Free speech?

Who Is Murdering Free speech?

Yahoo Q and A

Since when telling the truth is ILLEGAL?

Deleted Question: Is It A Sin To Watch These Clips?

Violation Reason: Insulting or Ranting Content

Is It A Sin To Watch These Clips?

1. With or without 9/11 American Terrorism in Iraq was conspired before 9/11?

2. The idea that George W. Bush's neocon advisers--Perle included--convinced him that the U.S. should invade Iraq received some attention after the Iraqi war started. But to my knowledge, no one, either in politics or the media, pressed the case too hard, lest they discover that those who wanted to invade Iraq had, not America's interest, but Israel's interest in mind.

4. Cheney: Iraq pullout would hurt Israel

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